


      安徽百特機電工程有限公司是一家集環(huán)保和輸送一體的生產(chǎn)型企業(yè),在輸送行業(yè)通過(guò)自主設計的下行膠帶輸送機利用勢能差,進(jìn)行轉化為電能并入電網(wǎng),是潔凈能源的綜合利用的科技型企業(yè);同時(shí)在垃圾處理行業(yè)上的廣泛利用對處理混合收集的原生活垃圾組進(jìn)行初步處理和物理性分離。同時(shí)將原生生活垃圾組分中的無(wú)機物(磚瓦石塊,砂土、玻璃等)進(jìn)行分離。目前公司正朝著(zhù)現代物流無(wú)人分揀輸送包括顏色、重量 還有二維碼等等的分揀技術(shù)的發(fā)展,同時(shí)對檢索機器人智能制造的設計與應用已經(jīng)開(kāi)展生產(chǎn),公司現有從設計到工藝編制及管理全過(guò)程微機進(jìn)行,快速、準確、高效,所有設計始終堅持產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)的3E性:高效節能性(Efficent) 、經(jīng)濟性(Economical) 、環(huán)保性(Environmentai)。

      并與行業(yè)科研機構、國外技術(shù)領(lǐng)先企業(yè)、業(yè)內技術(shù)權威人士保持良好的合作與聯(lián)系。吸收、借鑒國外先進(jìn)技術(shù),致力于不斷提升產(chǎn)品3E與制造技術(shù),同時(shí)不斷地開(kāi)拓新技術(shù)產(chǎn)品。產(chǎn)品已銷(xiāo)售至全國30多個(gè)省、市、自治區,部分產(chǎn)品出口中亞、東南亞、南亞、非洲和南美等二十多個(gè)國家和地區,產(chǎn)品深受?chē)鴥韧庥脩?hù)信賴(lài)。持續的質(zhì)量改進(jìn)是百特永恒的主題,高質(zhì)量的輸送產(chǎn)品為您排憂(yōu)解難,全方位的技術(shù)服務(wù)使您得心應手,我們堅持以上乘的品質(zhì)、優(yōu)質(zhì)的服務(wù)回饋新老客戶(hù)。百特人將一如既往地發(fā)揚“求真務(wù)實(shí)、 銳意進(jìn)取、不斷創(chuàng )新”的企業(yè)精神,希望通過(guò)我們的努力,為我國輸送機械行業(yè)的可持續發(fā)展做出更大的貢獻!最后用一句公司的理念來(lái)概括:沒(méi)有最好,只有更好There is no best., only better! 

      ANHUI BETTER Mechanical & Eleclronic Engineering Co.. LTD is a prolessional design, manulaclure ol lransportequipment, sales and service asoneofthenationalhigh-techenterprises, the company is located in the "resort" one of the 4 China rice city --- Wuhu Wuhu Economic Development Zone, 80 kilometers away from the ancient city of Nanjing, from Wuhu's new airport is only 10 kilometers. is the 4 ports along the Yangtze River one of the. Inter City railway,Shanghai Chengdu expressway, Beiing Fuzhou Expressway which runs through, the lransportation is very convenient.
     The company has rich experience, advanced technology and perfect testing equipment. In the past few years,adhere lo lhe qualily of survival, lechnology and developmenl, met wilth Taiyuan Universily of Science and T echnology(formerly Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute), Wuhan University of Technology (formerly Wuhan University, University of Science and Technology of China and industry) the provincial building design institute to establish a good relalionship between technology exchange, in essence of domeslic similar producls, is developed. Advanced lechnology,reliable performance, stable operation of transportation equipment. The company' s existing from design to process planning and management of the whole process of compuler, last, accurale, eflicient, 3E ol all design always adhere to product develo pment: energy efficient (Efficent), economy (Economical). environmental protection (Environmentai).And with the foreign technology industry leading enterprises, research institutions, industry technical authority keep good contact and cooperation. Absorb, draw lessons from foreign adv anced technology, is committed to continuously improve producl 3E and manulacluring lechnology, and conslanlly develop new lechnology producls. The producls have been sold to more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, some products exported to Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, South America and Alrica | more than 20 countries and region.